Re: [All] high level use cases not yet ready to publish, please have another look -DCU/UL (for SOLAS) -

Hello Christian, thanks for parsing my dump, clarifications inline:
I am also going to review and edit the wiki..

Dr. David Filip
University of Limerick, Ireland
telephone: +353-6120-2781
cellphone: +353-86-0222-158
facsimile: +353-6120-2734

On Tue, Mar 5, 2013 at 9:50 AM, Lieske, Christian
<> wrote:
> Hi David,
> Thanks for this.
> We now have the following to the Wiki:
> ===Description===
> * The tool - SOLAS - is a service-based architecture for orchestrating localization workflows between XLIFF-aware components.
Replaced SOLAS, which is the roundtrip component
> * CMS-L10n is basically a middleware component based on an RDF triple store over an arbitrary CMS (tested with Alfresco, Drupal and Wikimedia).
> * Can parse the source including most of the ITS 2.0 metadata and produce XLIFF 1.2 according to a currently agreed
> mapping. After the roundtrip handled by SOLAS it updates the RDF triple store accordingly.
added handled by SOLAS to make the labor division between LION and SOLAS clear.
> Two questions:
> 1. DF> This is currently with out TTO.
> Should this read "This is currently with our Technology Transfer Office."?
> 2. DF> This is currently with out TTO. All relevant stuff should be released
> under a suitable Open Source License, most probably LGPL by summer
> 2013, but currently, the relevant SOLAS components are on private Git
> Can I add this to the Wiki?
> I am awaiting info from Ankit and Milan on regarding LION, Matrex, and M4Loc.
I explained above about LION (CMS-L10n or CMS-LION)
> Cheers,
> Christian
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Dr. David Filip []
> Sent: Montag, 4. März 2013 11:06
> To: Lieske, Christian; David Lewis; Ankit Srivastava; Milan Karasek
> Cc:
> Subject: Re: [All] high level use cases not yet ready to publish, please have another look -DCU/UL (for SOLAS) -
> Hi Christina, I dumped some more info onto the wiki and am adding some
> more info here, answering inline..
>> 1.      Is CMS-LION a specific CMS? Is it a middleware component?
> It is a TCD devloped middleware component. It is basically an RDF
> triple store over an arbitrary CMS. I belive that they are currently
> focusing on Alfresco, but worked with Drupal and Wikimedia in the
> past.
> It has an ability to parse the source including most of the ITS 2.0
> metadata and produce XLIFF 1.2 according to the currently agreed
> mapping. After the roundtrip it updates the RDF triple store
> accordingly.
> @Dave, correct me if I don't have it right
>> 2.      Which components (e.g. workflow system and MT system) have been tied
>> together using SOLAS?
> I added this info to the wiki, to summarize
> 1. Source Qulaity Assurance tool - LKR
> 2. PM friendly viewer
> 3. several integrated MT solutions
>> 3.      Do you have any information for the following?
>> * Details:
>> * Running software:
>> * Source code:
>> * General documentation:
> This is currently with out TTO. All relevant stuff should be released
> under a suitable Open Source License, most probably LGPL by summer
> 2013, but currently, the relevant SOLAS components are on private Git
> @Ankit, @Dave, @Milan, could you provide this info regarding LION,
> Matrex, M4Loc?
>> Thanks in advance for your help.
>> Of course, you are welcome to modify my current draft to come up with an
>> enhanced version:
>> Cheers,
>> Christian
>> From: Felix Sasaki []
>> Sent: Saturday, February 16, 2013 2:34 AM
>> To:
>> Subject: [All] high level use cases not yet ready to publish, please have
>> another look
>> Hi all, esp. Christian,
>> I had a brief look at
>> and I think this is not yet ready even for a first public working draft.
>> I won't point to specific sections here, but please have another look at
>> "your" section with the following in mind:
>> - Don't mention something that is not in the spec anymore, e.g.
>> "Disambiguation". Call this "Text Analysis Annotation".
>> - The "More Information and Implementation Status/Issues" sections are
>> extremely heterogenous. Please, re-write them following this simple pattern
>> taken from ENLASO:
>> [
>> Tool: Okapi Framework (ENLASO).
>> Detailed slides at
>> Running software:
>> Source code:
>> General documentation:
>> ]
>> - Don't just "list" data categories. Describe their benefit in your
>> implementation.
>> - Use a simple & sweet language style like e.g. in
>> The document should be a *high level* overview. Currently it has 20 pages -
>> that's too long. We can provide details & more text in other publications.
>> NOTE for the EC project folks: this document is an important part for us to
>> raise awareness for Rome and to give input for the Luxembourg review. Please
>> invest the time to take above considerations into account.
>> Please, do that by Tuesday EOB 19 February.
>> Christian, what are your thoughts on editing this and making this ready for
>> publication, also in terms fo timing.
>> Best,
>> Felix

Received on Tuesday, 5 March 2013 13:10:46 UTC