Re: XLIFF minutes (need cleanup)

Hi David,

Am 04.03.13 13:36, schrieb Dr. David Filip:
> Thanks Felix,
> the minutes contain only testing sessions slots. The next meeting will
> be Friday 10am GMT.
> These meetings were originally intended as implementers of the
> LION<->SOLAS roundtrip only.
> But I agree that we should have group wide meetings on the mapping for
> all interested parties. Our time 10am is obviously not suitable for
> I suggest to make the Wed call an XLIFF mapping meeting as soon as the
> WG does not need to meet twice a week to out of LC

I know that suggestiom Dave, but I would disagree with this: we have a 
lot of topics still to discuss after LC, e.g. section 1-2 of the ITS2 
spec, other outreach related topics that are not related to XLIFF. And 
AFAIK you cannot be on the Monday call, and having you and potentially 
others only on an XLIFF call will lead to a disconnect with regards to 
other topics.

The relation to XLIFF is important, but it cannot be a single topic. It 
has to move forward in parallel with other topics.
contains several BP documents. All of these need to move forward in 
parallel IMO, and the whole group should be aware of them.



> Rgds
> dF
> Dr. David Filip
> =======================
> LRC | CNGL | LT-Web | CSIS
> University of Limerick, Ireland
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> On Mon, Mar 4, 2013 at 11:42 AM, Felix Sasaki <> wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> I have put the XLIFF minutes at
>> can somebody provide me with the missing data / fixes?
>> from the log it seems that there is another call this week Thursday 10 a.m.
>> UTC, correct?
>> It may make sense to list these calls at
>> to be able to keep track of them - thoughts?
>> Thanks,
>> Felix

Received on Monday, 4 March 2013 12:52:29 UTC