Call for use cases for the ontology-lexicon model

Hi all,

the ontoloex community group has issued a call for use cases, see below.
Coordinating the MLW-LT work with ontolex is highly relevant for us, so I
encourage you to have a look and suggest use cases. If you want to submit
them on behalf of MLW-LT, please discuss them on our public list.



Call for use cases for the ontology-lexicon model *

The W3C Community Group on Ontology Lexica [1] has started its work in
December 2011.

*** Motivation ***

Ontologies have numerous applications and they represent the conceptual
backbone of the Semantic Web. In fact, significant work has gone into
standardization efforts under the auspices of the W3C to produce
recommendations for data and knowledge representation languages, i.e. the
Resource Description Framework (RDF) and the Web Ontology Language (OWL).
However, current web-based knowledge representation languages such as OWL
and RDF(S) lack the rich linguistic grounding that is required for
language-mediated access to ontologies. OWL and RDF(S) rely on a property
rdfs:label to capture the relation between a vocabulary element and its
(preferred) lexicalization in a given language. This lexicalization
provides some kind of lexical anchor that makes the concept, property,
individual etc. understandable to a user. The mechanisms for linguistic
grounding available in OWL and RDF(S) are thus far from being able to
capture the necessary linguistic and lexical information that NLP
applications working with a particular ontology need. The mission of the
Ontology-Lexicon community group is to develop a model for the linguistic
grounding of ontologies which allows to represent lexical entries
containing information about how ontology elements (classes, properties,
individuals etc.) are realized in multiple languages. A more detailed
overview of the scope and goal of the working group can be found at [3].

*** Open Call for Use Cases ***

With this call for use cases, we intend to expand the scope of our current
use cases (see [2]) by including use cases that are inspired by more
concrete and real applications.

We thus call for participation of industrial stakeholders and application
developers in the Community Group by providing a description of a use case
using the template found below.

By this, we offer interested parties the opportunity to participate in
standardization activities that are relevant and potentially beneficial for
their application development, and contribute their ideas to the process of
creating a standard for the representation of ontology related lexicons.

We kindly ask you all to send the use case description to Philipp Cimiano ( until May 3rd. Any questions or comments
can be addressed to Philipp Cimiano at the above email address.

*** Participation in the Group ***

People interested in the group’s activities, discussion and teleconferences
are welcome to join the group at [1].



I. Motivation

This should contain a short motivation of the use case, including a
description of the application context and why it is relevant to specify
the meaning of words with respect to a given ontology in the context of the

II. Description of the use case

This section should describe the use case in more detail, specifying what
the lexicon-ontology interface would need to look like from the point of
view of the application and how the lexicon-ontology interface is exploited
in the context of the given application. If available, the ontology for the
application should be briefly described.

III. Limitations of existing models

This section should discuss existing models and their limitations with
respect to the needs of the application in question.

IV. Example

This section should provide a concrete example illustrating what kind of
knowledge should be stated in the lexicon-ontology interface from the point
of view of the application and how it would be exploited by the application.

V. Requirements

This section is optional and might already advance concrete requirements on
the lexicon-ontology model.


Felix Sasaki
DFKI / W3C Fellow

Received on Thursday, 22 March 2012 11:53:51 UTC