RE: Test suite errors, potentially schema change

>> I'm not sure if this error is needed, or whether the schema should 
>> allow non ITS attributes in no namespace at its:span?
> It doesn't make sense to allow non-ITS attributes on its:span.
> its:span was introduced for vocabularies which doesn't have their own 
> semantic neutral phrasing inline element so ITS markup can be attached 
> to small phrases.

Allowing only ITS attribute in its:span prevents using its:span with extensions to ITS, or just third party namespace in general.

For example, one may have an implementation of Localization Quality Issue that uses properties not included in the ITS data category itself but that are needed for the given tool.
Also, not all ITS data category are expressed with the ITS namespace: <its:span xml:lang='cs'>...</its:span>.

> In this case "num" attribute carries some value which should be attached 
> to element from original vocabulary. If you will remove ITS attributes 
> you will end up with
> <its:span num="...">...</its:span>
> It's very unlikely that you can have such markup in a real document 
> before you apply ITS to it.

I agree: in this specific example having something like num is unlikely.
(Actually using <its:span> here is kind of unlikely too, but I guess that's just an way to exercise the element).


Received on Wednesday, 24 April 2013 11:07:51 UTC