Re: Beginnings of the ITS 2.0 test suite

Dear Dom and Leroy,

thanks a lot for this.

I was looking at
which is an HTML5 example for local "terminology" metadata. In your test
suite you have this working with an external rules file
that maps the its-term attribute to its:term, via
<its:termRule selector="//*[@its-term='yes']" term="yes"/>
In the spec, we assumed that its-* attributes in HTML5 are "native" ITS, so
I think we wouldn't need above mapping. Any thoughts from others?

Also, this HTML5 example
linkes to these rules
however, in the rules you don't use the HTML namespace for selecting the
code element
<its:translateRule selector="//code" translate="no"/>
Is that intentional? Or should that be
<its:translateRule selector="//h:code" translate="no" xmlns:h=""/>



2012/8/9 Dominic Jones <>

> Dear All,
> We have updated the 1.0 data categories with HTML5 examples and added in
> the new 2.0 categories based on the spec draft as of 31st of July (Domain,
> Locale Filter and External Resources). You can find a draft version of the
> test suite here: (
> This is a very first draft and we're looking for your feedback on the "Test
> Files." We'd like to get to the point where all the input test files are
> agreed upon as being correct and valid representations of the data
> categories implemented in XML and HTML where applicable allowing as the
> spec develops for us to add in the new categories and examples.
> Plan to come back to Yves discussion around tabular output from
> implementations around the middle of next week.
> Both leroy and I will be on the call this afternoon.
> Dom.
> --
> Dominic Jones | Research Assistant
> KDEG, Trinity College Dublin, Ireland.
> Work: + 353 (0) 1896 8426
> Mobile: + 353 (0) 879259719

Felix Sasaki
DFKI / W3C Fellow

Received on Thursday, 9 August 2012 11:59:55 UTC