Agenda for W3C Most Important Priorities [Education] call, 9 January

Call is scheduled for 10AM ET, 4PM CET

Phone number is (617) 761-6200
Code 3382 (EDUC)
Please see our wiki at

Below is the agenda for several meetings.  We will get through as much of the material as possible and the rest will be for subsequent meetings.

Jeff and Pierre

0. Overall logistics

Introductions.  Restatement of purpose.  Questions from participants.  Rough discussion of schedule.  Discussion of using wiki for contributions.

1. Reminder on existing initiatives

Update on EDUPUB initiative which is currently in progress. This would be helpful to avoid to reinvent the wheel. Ivan Herman can cover this during 15 minutes / 20 minutes.

2. Online Learning Experiences

This subjects would include questions like :
What is a learning object ?
How to propose an active reading great experience vs passive reading (Digipub) ?
Can we import pedagogical nature of learning in openweb platform ?
How to manage links between teacher and pupils ? Links in the Education Community ?
We should also cover the difficult subject of cognitive mapping.

3. MOOCs

As one of the current possible online learning experience, this is a subject to cover.

4. Collection of Data and Privacy

Web Technologies will be used for Education purpose. We must be more than serious on that or our Kids data could be "stolen". This subject is linked to MOOCs and
adaptative learning matters. There is a serious need for standardization here. May be we could need a "data handling description language" allowing the codification of consensual agreements, in short enabling students to agree to reasonable data sharing procedures.

5. Assessment and adaptative learning

Need from OWP here ?

6. Courses choice


Specific need here ?

8. Other needs ?

Received on Tuesday, 6 January 2015 13:32:36 UTC