Re: Moki schema update for v1.0 release

Hmmm, maintenance.

 > I thought I would go and make the changes myself, but there seems to be
 > some magic button to push that generates the different pages, so I do
 > not want to break anything.

I generated the documentation using oXygen under Eclipse. Those nice 
people over at oXygen provide a free license restricted to use on W3C 

 > Do you think you could update the schema so that we can publish a
 > "clean" version 1.0 of the checker?

Sure, and thanks for identifying the exact changes!


On 05/08/2008 12:38, Francois Daoust wrote:
> Hi Jo,
> Since you raised it on IRC the other day, I thought I would see what 
> needs to be done there. Nice schema. I wished I had taken a look at the 
> moki/ subdirectory before actually...
> AFAICT, the only changes we've introduced in the moki schema since the 
> release of the beta version are:
> 1/ moki:imageInfo may now be returned for moki:object elements. It is 
> only defined when the object was retrieved (i.e. not SKIPPED):
> <xs:element name="object">
>  <xs:complexType>
>   <xs:sequence>
>    <xs:element ref="moki:URI"/>
>    <xs:element ref="moki:retrieval"/>
>    <xs:element ref="moki:objectInfo"/>
>    <xs:element ref="moki:imageInfo" minOccurs="0"/>
>   </xs:sequence>
>  </xs:complexType>
> </xs:element>
> 2/ the "loadtype" attribute was added to the moki:objectInfo element. 
> Its possible values are:
>   RENDERED: the object is an Included Resource
>   TASTED: the object is not an Included Resource, but counts towards 
> EXTERNAL_RESOURCES and PAGE_SIZE_LIMIT totals. In practice, objects 
> defined without a type attribute and whose Content-Type is neither 
> image/jpeg nor image/gif
>   SKIPPED: the object is not an Included Resource, and does not count 
> towards EXTERNAL_RESOURCES and PAGE_SIZE_LIMITS totals. In practice, 
> objects defined with a type attribute whose Content-Type is neither 
> image/jpeg, nor image/gif.
> <xs:element name="objectInfo">
>  <xs:complexType>
>   <xs:attribute name="loadtype" use="required"/>
>   <xs:attribute name="type" use="required"/>
>  </xs:complexType>
> </xs:element>
> I thought I would go and make the changes myself, but there seems to be 
> some magic button to push that generates the different pages, so I do 
> not want to break anything.
> Do you think you could update the schema so that we can publish a 
> "clean" version 1.0 of the checker?
> Francois.

Received on Tuesday, 5 August 2008 16:48:51 UTC