RE: Various moki related

+1 to all.

Shall I wait for changes in the code and then change the description of
moki and the screenshots in user manual?

One thing that I'd like to change in future versions is avoid
screenshots as much as possible and insert cool formatted text but now
Notepad++ screenshots are a faster tool for me.

Looking forward to news from you about these changes in the doc...



-----Mensaje original-----
[] En nombre de Jo Rabin
Enviado el: martes, 16 de octubre de 2007 19:12
Asunto: Various moki related

Some things that may be worth fixing prior to alpha, which I will do,
given that we agree what needs doing. Otherwise I'll raise bugs and get
on with them for post alpha. Having done the moki XSD.

1. aboutme element

This is missing at the moment - I think that for an alpha we could miss
out on the library versions, but think we should have at a mimimum

a. An overall version number
b. The time and date of the check

[and the URI tested and the date and time really need to be in the
result document, no?]

2. RawHeaders element

The time for this is probably passed now. I proposed to insert a
configuration option to suppress this, default true.

That said, the headers don't always tie up exactly and are not always in
the right order which I will briefly check.

There's supposed to be a size attribute. Given the fact that the
rawheaders don't seem to be quite right at the moment this is of limited
value, but the size should contribute to the overall size, methinks?

3. entity element

Need to keep size, but ditto on the actual content of the element.

4. Connection stuff

We haven't got this and wonder if we ever will. Not one for Alpha

5. Request Headers

An optimization would be to have a single copy, since (for now) they are
invariant. Not one for Alpha

Received on Tuesday, 16 October 2007 17:23:19 UTC