Scope of 2.5.1 Pointer Gestures

Dear fellow Mobile A11y TF members

in the 30 April AG call 
and again in 14 May AG call, the issue of scope of 
2.5.1 Pointer Gestures was discussed.
Mike Gower suggested, based on earlier interventions from Gregg and 
Steve Rephsher, to limit 'path-based' to directional swiping, excluding 
less constrained dragging gestures, which would put slider controls with 
thumbs that also work in a non-directional way out of scope.

There was some level of agreement in the April 30 call to restrict scope 
and five +1 to work on in a PR implementing that change. The PR was 
created by Mike . I did not object, 
but felt uncomfortable with that decision.
In responding to the PR, I worked later through a number of examples and 
argued that we should reconsider - control sliders should remain in scope.

Alastair had then created another PR that would keep control sliders in 
scope - see Survey
Four people approved this change, two people thought the issue needed 
more discussion. I have had a mail exchange with Mike Gower and Alastair 
since on or differing views of 'path-based' and consequently, the scope 
of 2.5.1.

I have today tried to summarise the sticking points in my latest comment 
to the PR

I believe the original intent of the SC that became 2.5.1 Pointer 
Gestures was to require a single point operable alternative for all 
path-based interactions, including dragging. My feeling is that the 
issue is important because excluding control sliders from 2.5.1 via the 
understanding doc would affect many users with severe motor impairments. 
My feeling is that not many people in the Working Group have thought 
deeply about the finer points of path-based gestures so far, which is 
understandable given the total workload.I would just urge you to form an 
opinion on the issue and contribute your view in a comment to the PR or 
on the list so we broaden the discussion.


Detlev Fischer
Werderstr. 34, 20144 Hamburg

Mobil +49 (0)157 57 57 57 45
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Received on Thursday, 16 May 2019 14:55:41 UTC