New 2.2 SC proposal dragging alternatives

Following the discussion in Tuesdays AG telco, I have drafted a proposed 
SC "Dragging"

It may be late in the day for bringing in new SCs but this one is in my 
view more a kind of 'left-over' from the narrowing of the scope of 2.5.1 
Pointer gestures via the definition of 'path-based' that excludes 
free-form dragging.

Maybe we can have a first chat about this in the Mobvely a11y teclo in 
the call before I create an issue to point the AGWG to this proposal?


Detlev Fischer
Werderstr. 34, 20144 Hamburg

Mobil +49 (0)157 57 57 57 45
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Received on Thursday, 25 July 2019 10:21:15 UTC