Re: Should we require all functionality to be operable with pointer?

A further thought on this (and then I'll leave all of these discussions 
alone for a bit): combining the thinking here with the thinking in the 
other thread about "keyboard", here's a crazy idea; new/replaced 
Guidelines 2.1 and related SCs that talk about, in very general terms, 
content/applications that need to work across all 
accessibility-supported input modalities, and techniques (for HTML) that 
then relate to using device/input agnostic event handlers as one 
solution, another technique showing how device-specific event handlers 
can be used as long as they're all double/triped up (so you'd register 
mouse*, key*, touch* etc handlers). Exceptions for content that relies 
on very specific input modalities, where the specific input type is 
essential to the activity...


On 04/07/2016 13:05, Patrick H. Lauke wrote:
> On 04/07/2016 12:55, David MacDonald wrote:
> Coincidentally, I've said as much in the past.
> WCAG assumes that things will work with a mouse (because of course
> that's how developers build it), so that is tacitly taken as the status
> quo which needs to be expanded to then also cover keyboard.
> So fundamentally yes, I believe an explicit SC that requires
> functionality/content to be accessible to users with a mouse/other types
> of pointer is needed. This also dovetails with how we expanded our
> proposed touch/activation target SC to cover not just touch targets, but
> general pointer targets too.
> Exceptions would include controlled environments where there is no
> mouse/pointer, e.g. a point-of-sales or ATM that only has a (physical or
> on-screen) keyboard.
> (Incidentally, this really makes me wish the TFs were set up more along
> the lines of "Input TF", since that's what this really falls under - so
> the "mobile" moniker for this TF is a bit loose).
> P

Patrick H. Lauke | |
twitter: @patrick_h_lauke | skype: patrick_h_lauke

Received on Tuesday, 5 July 2016 00:14:21 UTC