RE: Mockup of Appendix A

Jeanne, this page reminds me a little of the How to Meet WCAG page where you can filter by technology, WCAG level, etc.  It would be great if mobile could be worked into that page.


Jonathan Avila 
Chief Accessibility Officer
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-----Original Message-----
From: Jeanne Spellman [] 
Sent: Friday, December 19, 2014 3:45 PM
Subject: Mockup of Appendix A

Kim and I spent a few hours today throwing some ideas around for doing Appendix A: WCAG Techniques that apply to Mobile.

Here is a very rough mockup with no CSS

This mockup takes the list of Techniques from the wiki page:

We took the Techniques from that wiki page, sorted them by WCAG Guideline number (making duplicates of the Technique where necessary to put it under multiple WCAG Guidelines) and manually put in the WCAG Principle and Guidelines as headings.  I only put the headings in up until Principle 2 so you could see how it would look.  I am doing it manually at the moment, and know this mockup will be discarded as we add more Techniques from other categories to the list.

Our thought was to make the Technique list for each Guideline collapsed, so that developers could quickly scan the WCAG guidelines and expand the heading to show the Techniques for that Guideline.

Your thoughts?   An accessible expand/collapse script we could use?

Good holidays to you all.  I expect to be offline until January 5th, so I will probably not read your responses until then.


Received on Monday, 5 January 2015 19:57:42 UTC