[Madrid] Expression of interest

Name: Luis Bellido Triana
Title: Associate Professor
Organization: Universidad Politécnica de Madrid
Topics: Content management and authoring tools; Multilingual web sites; Usability & design for i18n

I am proposing to speak at the event. A brief description is attached.

Luis Bellido Triana 
Dep. Ing. Sistemas Telemáticos (DIT). Universidad Politécnica de Madrid. 
ETSI Telecomunicación. Ciudad Universitaria. E-28040 Madrid. 
Tel: +34 91 3367293 Fax: +34 91 3367333

Experiences in creating multilingual web sites
The talk will describe the experiences in the development of multilingual web sites in the framework of European projects with multidisciplinary teams. Focusing on the problems that arise during these projects, several gaps between existing Content Management Systems and user requirements will be identified. The solutions developed in the projects will be discussed, taking into account recent standards and best practices. 

Received on Wednesday, 22 September 2010 05:47:32 UTC