W3C Community Group about "Best Practices for Multilingual Linked Open Data"

(Sent on behalf of Dom Jones)

Dear MultilingualWeb workshop attendee,

As part of the breakout session held at the MLW Workshop in Rome it was
decided to form a W3C community group to push forward the concept of
Best Practices for Multilingual Linked Open Data. This group has now
been formed and the group page can be found here

If your interested in the the future of our group we'd ask you to join
which you can do with either a full W3C member account or a W3C Public
Account (https://www.w3.org/accounts/request). In the coming weeks
myself, Jose E. Gayo and Jorge Gracia will work on publishing a roadmap
for the group, publication plan and strategy for making sure we keep the
momentum going on the topic of ML LOD. In the meantime if you'd be
interested in joining us please sign up!

Any queries you have can be directed to Dominic.Jones@scss.tcd.ie

Best Regards


Dominic Jones
Research Integration Coordinator
CNGL, KDEG, Trinity College Dublin.
+353 (0) 879 259 719 - https://www.scss.tcd.ie/Dominic.Jones

Received on Monday, 15 April 2013 11:25:03 UTC