Reasonable time slots for the first CG Call

Dear MiniApp CG participants,


It’s time for the first CG Call to kick off the work. We should probably
start to talk about the TPAC follow up, a simple CG charter, work items and
plans, etc. Detailed agenda will be sent soon.

The initial target date for the call is around Oct 16. 

We need to find a time slot that might work for most of the participants who
are interested to join. 

By far, we have confirmed participants from Beijing and west coast of US.
That leaves us late night in Beijing and early morning in west coast of US,
or early morning in Beijing and late afternoon in west coast of US. 

Please let me know if there are other locations we should put into
consideration for the call. A doodle will be sent out soon.







Angel Li (李安琪)

Standardization Department (标准化部) 

Alibaba Group (阿里巴巴集团) 

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Received on Tuesday, 8 October 2019 13:10:05 UTC