Re: data model

Stephen D Green scripsit:

> Would it be feasible for (say, in future) a version of the spec to
> not include the data model? I'm thinking back to the way the
> XML included DTD and how DTD became a bit odd to be in the
> spec once XML Schema came to the fore.

The data model is entirely abstract: the use of JSON is just for
explanatory convenience.  Not to implement the data model means failing
to report what any parser obviously needs to report: the names and nesting
of elements, the names and values of attributes, and the character content
and how it is mixed with child elements.  What good would a parser be, for
example, that failed to report element names?  (By an oversight that has
been carefully preserved, the XML Rec does not require parsers to do so.)
I can't see any reasonable circumstances in which the data model goes away.

Long-short-short, long-short-short / Dactyls in dimeter,     John Cowan
Verse form with choriambs / (Masculine rhyme): 
One sentence (two stanzas) / Hexasyllabically
Challenges poets who / Don't have the time.     --robison who's at texas dot net

Received on Friday, 28 September 2012 14:53:44 UTC