Re: 12. Are C1 controls and Unicode non-characters disallowed?

Mike Sokolov scripsit:

> NFC is called out in the Editor's Draft; I think the idea is you can
> use what you want, but parsers are free to normalize, caveat emptor,
> you might not get what you expect unless you use NFC.  At least that
> was my breezy interpretation :) Read the spec if you want
> precision...

There is nothing in the spec allowing parsers to normalize their input.
Doing that turns out to be a bad idea, because it may make documents
well-formed that were not well-formed before, causing parsers to disagree
about this fundamental point.  Rather, the spec recommends that *authors*
(including generators) always produce NFC to simplify later processing.

Samuel Johnson on playing the violin:           John Cowan
"Difficult do you call it, Sir?       
 I wish it were impossible."          

Received on Wednesday, 12 September 2012 14:50:57 UTC