RE: 7. Are CDATA sections allowed?

The micro way should be to use hypermedia constructs that are common, such as @href, @src, @type, @rel, @hreflang etc.
But we've just jumped out of the plane and are now looking for the parachute rip cord.


I am confused here ... to my understanding both XML and MicroXML attempt to NOT define vocabularies (unlike HTML).
XML does a poor job by defininging *some* (like xml:base) but largely because it had to deal with external entities and (like xml:id) because it had to be compatible with DTD's.  But to my mind this was not about defining a vocabulary.  With MicroXML we are eliminating both DTD's and external entities and all requirements of a reserved vocabulary.

IMHO things like @href etc belong at a layer above, not baked into, MicroXML.   I know you want to have a standardized linking format but I feel this is the wrong layer to define it in.  MicroXML is *not* the equivilent of HTML ... its a layer below (whereas HTML mixes two layers into one - which has its uses but isnt what XML or MicroXML is about IMHO).


David Lee
Lead Engineer
MarkLogic Corporation
Phone: +1 812-482-5224
Cell:  +1 812-630-7622

Received on Wednesday, 5 September 2012 15:25:56 UTC