Re: > in attribute values; decimal character reference

James Clark scripsit:

> The main reason that my drafts allowed > in attribute values was to
> increase the likelihood that the XML produced by non-MicroXML-aware XML
> tools would be well-formed MicroXML.

That's reasonable, but it doesn't seem compelling enough to me.

> b) decimal character references; at the minimum a serializer needs to
> serialize a CR in an attribute value using a numerical character reference.
> It's as reasonable to use 
 for this.

An XML serializer does (it was over this very point that I discovered
the LoJC), but a MicroXML serializer presumably does not, since a
MicroXML parser does not normalize attribute values.

> c) XML declaration

I think that's clearly unnecessary, but point for point:

1) The only encoding allowed is UTF-8.

2) Versioning this kind of formats just doesn't work, as I have
discovered the hard way.

3) There is no notion of a non-standalone document.

John Cowan                      
I amar prestar aen, han mathon ne nen,
han mathon ne chae, a han noston ne 'wilith.  --Galadriel, LOTR:FOTR

Received on Tuesday, 4 September 2012 22:26:12 UTC