Re: 8. Are prefixes/namespaces allowed?

On Tue, Sep 4, 2012 at 10:02 AM, Andrew Welch <>wrote:

> >> -1 to anything external to the document affecting its content.
> >
> >
> > Hang on.  Does that really mean you oppose transformation stages in an
> > toolchain?  If not, can you clarify?
> No (why would anyone oppose that?!) I mean things like the DTD or XSD
> defaulting values, so you get a different input document depending on
> whether it's been validated or not.  It sounded like (from my skim
> reading) that the namespace would be held in an external file, similar
> to when I've seen the xmlns defaulted in the DTD...

But no one has proposed that the *MicroXML parse* step would make any such
changes.  Even if your skim reading was correct, it would not be applicable
because John made it clear that would be a separate step (i.e. a
transformation stage in the toolchain).  So I think it was natural for me
to be thrown pretty badly by what you said.  I noticed John was, too.

Anyway seems we're all on the same page now.

Uche Ogbuji             
Founding Partner, Zepheira

Received on Tuesday, 4 September 2012 16:18:43 UTC