Re: Some possible MicroXML design goals

Dave Pawson scripsit:

> I don't like the assumption in that last sentence John?
>   If (most) see colons in a name, they assume namespaces are valid?

If they have experience with XML, yes.  If they don't, not so much.
Anyway, if colons are allowed, there is nothing to prevent you
from making your documents namespace-valid, it's just that namespaces
aren't pervasive to the model as they are in the Infoset and the XDM.

>   How wrong could it go if we 'assume' that href means xlink:href, when
> transforming from uxml to html5?

Very messy.  That means href becomes href on HTML native elements and
xlink:href on SVG elements.

John Cowan
If I have seen farther than others, it is because I am surrounded by dwarves.
        --Murray Gell-Mann

Received on Wednesday, 25 July 2012 21:11:36 UTC