Re: Starting point

James Clark scripsit:

> - empty element tags increase complexity without increasing expressiveness
> - XML comment syntax is really verbose/complex/ugly; JSON seems to
> have managed just fine without comments

I think both of these, plus NCRs, are reasonable concessions for hand-written
documents.  If MicroXML documents are to be machine-generated only, they
are not necessary, but the minute people want to write such documents
themselves, they will want the ability to add human-accessible annotations
plus the ability to comment out currently unwanted text.

And given comments, you pretty much need PIs, or people will abuse comments
for PI purposes.

There is no real going back.  Though I          John Cowan
may come to the Shire, it will not seem
the same; for I shall not be the same.
I am wounded with knife, sting, and tooth,
and a long burden.  Where shall I find rest?           --Frodo

Received on Tuesday, 24 July 2012 18:28:08 UTC