Re: Error recovery spec

Michael Sokolov scripsit:

> John - for those of us not fully steeped in the mysteries of tag
> soup, would you mind providing an example where the ReStartable
> property is useful?  

Sure.  For example, the HTML "i" and "b" elements are ReStartable.
If they were not, then the sequence <i>italic<b>bolditalic</i>bold</b>
would be rectified as <i>italic<b>bolditalic</b></i>bold</b> which
is well-formed but suboptimal: the text "bold" is not bold.  With
ReStartability, the result is <i>italic<b>bolditalic</b></i><b>bold</b>
because "b" is restarted as soon as the "i" element is closed.

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Received on Monday, 17 December 2012 15:11:28 UTC