Re: Names beginning with "xml"

James Clark scripsit:

> - documents MUST NOT use an attribute name "xmlns" , assuming we
> go for a no prefixes in names options; this would not be strictly
> required by the no-prefix decision, but if we go for no prefixes, and
> things it's best to exclude XML Namespaces entirely
> - documents SHOULD NOT use element/attribute names starting with xml
> (modulo whatever we decide on the "xml:" prefix)
> - processors MUST accept element/attribute names starting with xml,
> other than an "xmlns" attribute

+1 on all points.

> For PIs, reserving names starting with "xml" without describing their
> semantics would violate self-containedness.  I suggest we deal with
> this as part of the discussion of whether to include PIs.

As I noted, I don't think so: we can just reserve all such names.  Note
tht the targets "xml", "XML", etc. *must* be reserved for XML 1.0

John Cowan    
Would your name perchance be surname Puppet, given name Sock?
                --Rick Moen

Received on Thursday, 16 August 2012 19:06:47 UTC