Re: Names beginning with "xml"

David Lee scripsit:

> So you are suggesting uXML "names"  have NO equivalent to XML or XML+NS
> QNames at all ?

Such a thing is not a formal requirement, but it's easy to see what it
would be under option A-prime.  The MicroXML name is the prefix followed
by a colon, if there is a prefix, concatenated with the local name.

In the reverse direction, MicroXML names without colons are mapped
to a QName whose local name is the MicroXML name, whose prefix is
empty, and whose namespace name is likewise empty; MicroXML names
beginning "xml:" are mapped to a QName whose local name is the part
after the colon, whose prefix is "xml", and whose namespace name is
"".  That's all very easy.

With the data-model-compatibility issue cleared away, I see no reason
to forbid "xml:" prefixes.

We pledge allegiance to the penguin             John Cowan
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Received on Thursday, 16 August 2012 17:42:15 UTC