Names beginning with "xml"

What do we do about the statement in XML 1.0 that names beginning wiht
"xml" (in any case combination) are reserved for future standardization?
So far, we only have xml:*, xmlns, and xmlns:* in the XML stack in
element and attribute names and xml-style and xml-model PI targets.
Change control for these resides with the W3C XML Core WG.  They have been
very useful as an extension point: anyone who uses a name beginning with
"xml" for private purposes deserves to lose and need not be worried about.

Shall we put a similar remark into the MicroXML spec?

Note that nobody these days would clamor for fundamental laws        John Cowan
of *the theory of kangaroos*, showing why pseudo-kangaroos are
physically, logically, metaphysically impossible.
Kangaroos are wonderful, but not *that* wonderful.     --Dan Dennett on zombies

Received on Wednesday, 15 August 2012 21:14:50 UTC