Re: MicroXML design goals

James Clark scripsit:

> I am not sure I see how it follows (assuming we are allowing prefixed
> attributes generally). From the MicroXML perspective, what's special
> about the "xml:" attribute prefix?  Can we not treat it as just
> another prefix?

Syntactically, and even in the data model, we don't have to treat it
specially at all.  But the semantics of the xml: attributes is universal,
and in order to make the spec self-contained we have to explain what
that semantics is.  We should also have a disclaimer saying that if this
semantics contradicts the XML, xml:id, and xml:base specs, then those
specs have priority.

John Cowan
Statistics don't help a great deal in making important decisions.
Most people have more than the average number of feet, but I'm not about
to start a company selling shoes in threes. --Ross Gardler

Received on Tuesday, 14 August 2012 15:34:34 UTC