Re: MicroXML design goals

James Clark scripsit:

> I would want MicroXML documents to be able to include xml:lang
> attributes, but personally I would prefer MicroXML not to include a
> specification xml:lang.

I originally thought so too, but I think it follows from the goal (which
is not written down, but which both of us have assumed from the start)
that the MicroXML spec be self-contained.  I have added this to the
draft list of design goals.

My editor's draft contains about a page and half worth of specification
of xml:lang, xml:space, xml:id, and xml:base.  About a third of that is
a relatively verbose XLink example, which could be replaced by a shorter one.
I don't think that's an insurmountable cost.

John Cowan  <>
Micropayment advocates mistakenly believe that efficient allocation of
resources is the purpose of markets.  Efficiency is a byproduct of market
systems, not their goal.  The reasons markets work are not because users
have embraced efficiency but because markets are the best place to allow
users to maximize their preferences, and very often their preferences are
not for conservation of cheap resources.  --Clay Shirky

Received on Tuesday, 14 August 2012 15:06:39 UTC