Re: Media Fragments Working Group: Agenda 30 September, Telecon 0900 UTC *NEW HOUR*

As it turns out, I will again be at friends at 7pm tonight, so will
partake via irc only. Sorry - it seems this time slot might work
against me, but I want to give it some more weeks.

I apologise for taking away actions of others - they were mostly "on
my way" to doing the changes I needed to make, so I hope it's all ok.

BTW: I particularly look forward to ACTION-112 - I think that is where
our largest challenges are hidden now. And our deadline is
approaching. :-)

Talk soon.


2009/9/29 Raphaël Troncy <>:
> Dear Media Fragmenters,
> Please, find below the agenda for this week telecon:
> Please, note the *NEW* hour. With this time slot, we expect the
> attendance of all WG members.
> Conrad will be our scribe (Yves is on deck).
> Silvia did complete her actions and some of other's actions :-) Thanks
> Silvia! I will complete mine on Tuesday afternoon ...
> Actions opened:
> Best regards.
>  Erik & Raphaël
> ------------
> AGENDA Teleconference
> W3C Media Fragments Working Group telephone conference 2009-09-30
> -------------------------------------------------------------------
> Wednesday, 30 September *09:00-10:00 UTC*
> Local time:
> 30 September 2009, 0900 UTC
>             0200 (West US)
>             1000 (Galway)
>             1100 (Amsterdam, Sophia-Antipolis, Pretoria)
>             1800 (Tokyo)
>             1900 (Sydney)
> Bridge US: +1-617-761-6200 (Zakim)
> Bridge FR: +
> Bridge UK: +44.117.370.6152
> Conference code : 3724# (spells "FRAG")
> Duration : 60 minutes
> -------------------------------------------------------------------
> IRC channel          : #mediafrag on
> W3C IRC Web Client   :
> Other clients are listed at
> Zakim information    :
> Zakim bridge monitor :
> Zakim IRC bot        :
> -------------------------------------------------------------------
> Chair: Raphael, Erik
> ScribeList:
> Scribe: Conrad (On Deck: Yves)
> Please note that Media Fragments WG telecons are for attendance by
> members and invited experts only.
> 1. ADMIN:
> * Roll call
> * PROPOSED to accept the minutes of the 23 September 2009 telecon:
> * ACTION-92: Erik and Raphael to coordinate the writing of papers
> (ongoing ... re-raise around 15/10/09)
> * ACTION-111: Thierry to provide CVS access to Conrad
> * Use Cases and Requirements WD review (MAWG)
> * ACTION-105: Raphael to address all comments and write a reply to MAWG
> * ACTION-106: Raphael to draft a paragraph explaining upfront in the
> document why we are doing that ... justification for the MPEG community
> * ACTION-113: Raphael to move "Side Conditions" section to requirements
> doc only
> 3.1 Syntax: (Yves)
> * ACTION-109: Erik and Davy to write a paragraph in the documents to
> explain why we don't include this feature in the spec (rationale) based
> on the group analysis (impact both req and spec documents)
> * ACTION-110: Silvia to Draft a summary starting from her blog post and
> the 17/09/2009 IRC minutes in the document (role of ? and #)
> * Silvia: should we provide one or several URI templates in complement
> of the BNF syntax provided in the spec for the definition of Media
> Fragments URI?
> 3.2 UA Server HTTP Communication: (Conrad/Raphael)
> * ACTION-112: Raphael to Propose a digest of Conrad and current's
> proposal regarding the use of existing and custom headers for the
> communication UA server
> 3.3 Handling of 'Track' and 'ID':
> Conrad's proposal (Fragment header):
> 4. TEST CASES: (Michael)
> * Corrib test tool:
> * ACTION-108: Michael to add the missing test cases in corrib
> * ACTION-114: Michael to remove test case 4
> * ACTION-115: Michael to come up with categorization of test cases wrt
> empty, undefined, etc
> 5.1 Active:
> * ISSUE-6 [Jack]: Temporal clips that require transcoding
> ** ACTION-62: Yves to ask the TAG whether transcoding should be
> forbidden or not when we send a fragment of a resource
> ** Done:
> (+ thread). How to restart the discussion? Ask Noah to have an item
> during the next call?
> 5.2 Non-Active:
> * ISSUE-4 [Silvia]: Should we pre-define some track names?
> * ISSUE-5 [Jack]: Handling spatial cropping requires information at
> client-side
> * ISSUE-7 [Michael]: User Agent Media Fragment Resolution and Processing
> * ISSUE-9 [Michael]: Should we have the media type inside the Test Cases?
> * ISSUE-12 [Raphael]: What's the relationship between Images (CSS)
> Sprites and the spatial dimension of the Media Fragments URI scheme?
> * ISSUE-13 [Raphael]: Write a IETF draft for proposing how to register
> the fragment scheme for all media types
> * ACTION-34: Jack to look at python-url library to see whether he could
> implement the logic on client side
> * ACTION-35: Raphael to look at curl and/or wget to see whether the
> logic could be implemented on client side
> * ACTION-70: Jack to commit in CVS (code directory) his python code
> doing the parsing on client side of the media fragment
> * ACTION-71: Michael to investigate whether he could have an
> implementation in Javascript that does the client-side media fragments
> parsing
> 7. AOB
> --
> Raphaël Troncy
> CWI (Centre for Mathematics and Computer Science),
> Kruislaan 413, 1098 SJ Amsterdam, The Netherlands
> e-mail: &
> Tel: +31 (0)20 - 592 4093
> Fax: +31 (0)20 - 592 4312
> Web:

Received on Wednesday, 30 September 2009 07:13:51 UTC