3rd Face to Face meeting: proposed agenda

Dear all,

Following the discussion we had today on the phone, I have started to 
draft the agenda of our coming face to face meeting in order to make it 
constructive. We have made great progress during our previous F2F 
meetings, so let make this one even better!

Draft agenda is at: 
You will see under the heading "Wishlist" a list of potential topics we 
could discuss, with a name of a person I think could lead the 
discussion. This list is by far not closed and complete, so please add 
your interest, propose topics to be discussed ...
We will then later put these items in the time slots trying to match the 
constraints of our remotes and their time zones :-)


Raphaël Troncy
CWI (Centre for Mathematics and Computer Science),
Science Park 123, 1098 XG Amsterdam, The Netherlands
e-mail: raphael.troncy@cwi.nl & raphael.troncy@gmail.com
Tel: +31 (0)20 - 592 4093
Fax: +31 (0)20 - 592 4312
Web: http://www.cwi.nl/~troncy/

Received on Wednesday, 25 March 2009 11:04:06 UTC