Re: Q: Status of mediastream-worker work and depth tracks?

On 21 January 2016 at 19:25, Kostiainen, Anssi
<> wrote:
> To make it clear: I'm not fixated on this TF. If there are better alternatives than continuing in this TF that allow work on these deliverables to continue, and prevents technical and patent commitment disruptions, I'd be more than happy to hear those.

I support that notion.  I'm a little disappointed that the W3C process
has left this work in this state.

>> This work is best suited to a Timed Media WG.
> Agreed.
>> I don't see any purpose
>> in "adopting" work if we aren't going to work on it, and I don't see
>> this group as having the bandwidth to work on anything more.
> Speaking as the editor, I'm committed to continue to work on these specs as long as there is implementers' interest.

I think that's a fine thing, and the level of disruption to this group
has been almost non-existent, aside from the time spent at the last
TPAC.  I don't mind if this continues to be the status.

I would rather the W3C collectively sorted themselves out, but I
realize that's an unrealistic expectation.

Received on Thursday, 21 January 2016 21:44:32 UTC