[mediacapture-record] Merged Pull Request: mimeType does not need a default value; isTypeSupported("") should return true

miguelao has just merged pull request 41 for 

== mimeType does not need a default value; isTypeSupported("") should 
return true ==
Two things:
- removing the "" part of mimeType in the options dictionary since the
 dictionary itself is optional, see discussion in the issue 
- isTypeSupported() should return ```true``` when called with an empty
 MIME type, to line up with the constructor version of MIME, where an 
empty string means that the UA can freely choose whichever codecs 
might be most appropriate. (This lines up w/ Blink, Gecko does not 
implement this function). This is also related to 

See https://github.com/w3c/mediacapture-record/pull/41

Received on Wednesday, 20 January 2016 22:29:57 UTC