Re: Order of events ('addtrack' and 'active')

Adam has followed up with a Pull Request 
( according to his 
proposal below.

Anyone having an issue with merging that PR?


On 24/06/15 19:45, Adam Bergkvist wrote:
> Hi
> Consider a case with an inactive MediaStream. For some reason, a new
> 'live' track is added to it by the user agent. This means that both an
> 'addtrack' and 'active' event must be fired at the stream. I don't
> believe we have specified the order of these.
> My proposal is that the 'addtrack and 'removestrack' events fire before
> 'active' and 'inactive' in all such cases.
> This means that the active attribute will be false when the 'addtrack'
> handler is fired, but it's better than the other way around. And in this
> particular case, it's pretty easy to foresee the upcoming activity
> change by looking at the readyState of the track.
> /Adam

Received on Wednesday, 8 July 2015 06:00:54 UTC