Re: MediaRecorder Constrainable Properties question

On 01/24/2014 07:10 AM, Randy Lin wrote:
> >From this statement
> *The MIME types that can be selected as encodings for recording. The UA should be able to play back any of the MIME types it supports for recording. For example, it should be able to display a video recording in the HTML <img> tag.

I hope this means the HTML <video> tag - <img> tags aren't supposed to
play video.

> I have two questions:
> 1. What happen if application assign a mimeType or imageHeight/imageWidth that MediaRecorder cannot accept? Throw onerror callback or throw exception?
> 2. How can application query the mimeTypes list that platform supported?

This has been an unsolved problem for <video>, I believe - the CanPlay()
interface is an attempt to let UAs probe this, but it is far from
perfect (or uncontroversial), if I've understood correctly.

I don't want to have us blocked on solving a problem others have found
unsolvable, but if there is an easy solution, we should adopt it.

> -------------------------------------
> -rlin

Surveillance is pervasive. Go Dark.

Received on Monday, 27 January 2014 00:20:30 UTC