Re: [Bug 23220] Add 'zoom' constraint to VideoStreamTrack

On 09/29/2013 06:39 AM, Silvia Pfeiffer wrote:
> FWIW, I'd like to have the capability to zoom into a specific part of
> a screen share and only transport that part of the screen over to the
> peer.
> I'm not fuzzed if it's provided in version 1.0 or later, but I'd
> definitely like to see such functionality supported eventually.

I think you can build that (out of strings and duct tape, kind of) by
screencasting onto a canvas, and then re-screencasting a part of that
canvas. I'm sure there's missing pieces in that pipeline, though - I
don't think we have defined a way to create a MediaStreamTrack from a
canvas yet.

It takes more than a zoom constraint to do it, however; at minimum you
need 2 coordinate pairs (for a rectangular viewport).

Received on Sunday, 29 September 2013 22:17:52 UTC