Re: [Bug 22209] "each key MUST be a valid registered constraint name in the IANA-hosted RTCWeb Media Constraints registry"

On 11/6/13 1:58 PM, Mandyam, Giridhar wrote:
>> This bug isn't about "required to implement" is it?
> Thanks for responding.  I didn't write the original statement in the spec or the bug, so I can't answer.  But I do think there needs to be clarity as to what is the minimum set of constraints (if any) that a valid implementation should support.

I think there needs to be clarity in this conversation. Two issues are 
conflated here:

 1. Bug 22209: "constraints [MUST|SHOULD] be IANA registered" - My
    answer: SHOULD

 2. Your question: What's the min set of constraints required to
    implement? - My answer: No strong opinion.

> I assumed the constraints listed in constitute a minimum set of constraints that valid implementations MUST implement.  The group trimmed a list of nearly 30 proposed constraints to what is currently in the spec  based on broad consensus (peerIdentity and noaccess being exceptions).  If a valid implementation does not have to support even the constraints listed in the spec, then I wonder why the group went through the exercise of prioritizing constraints for the first version of the spec.
>> Saying we desire everyone to register their keys, is different from saying the API may crash or detect such a thing. MUST is a FUD-based empty mandate, while SHOULD conveys the nature of the mechanism more accurately IMHO. I care about clarity, and your confusion about implementation fuels my concern that the word MUST is the culprit (see below).
> Got your point.  If this is the intention of the group, then I wonder why we bothered with the exercise of trimming constraints in the first place.

I don't think you got my point, because my answers were about Bug 22209, 
not your issue.

I don't have a strong opinion on your issue. Section 12 calls the 
constraints "stable", and we are working on implementing them. I 
remember the 22 others as mostly obscure and from a single source, so I 
found the triage extremely helpful to let us prioritize the important 
ones, regardless of what the spec ends up saying about them.

.: Jan-Ivar :.

Received on Wednesday, 6 November 2013 23:12:12 UTC