Re: Cloning and sharing of MediaStreamTracks - worth it?

On 2013-05-08 09:38, Robert O'Callahan wrote:
> If we clone a MediaStreamTrack and insert that into a different
> MediaStream, how are the "enabled" and "muted" states of the clone
> related to the original? Can the clone be enabled while the original is
> disabled?

"muted" relates to the source, and can't be controlled by the 
application, so all tracks representing the same source should have the 
same mute state.

Regarding "enabled", I think there are two questions here:

1. When doing track.clone();, does the new track inherit the "enabled" 
state of the track it is cloned from, or does it start "fresh"? In the 
Ed's draft this is not outlined, but I think it must be defined. 
Presumably it should be described under the "clone" section here:

But this is also related to the Audio/VideoStreamTrack constructors and 
getUserMedia: presumably any tracks delivered by those operations should 
be "enabled", but it is not defined as far as I can see.

2. Can the different tracks representing the same source independently 
switch between enabled/disabled? My answer is: yes, so the clone can be 
enabled while the original is disabled (or the other way around).


> Rob
> --
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Received on Wednesday, 8 May 2013 08:04:10 UTC