Re: Video Controls

On 2013-01-03 02:32, Cullen Jennings (fluffy) wrote:
> Here are roughly what I think we need  - yes there are lots more but
> this would give a pretty good starting point for version 1.0 and of
> course whatever we do has to be easily extensible with new ones.

It seems to be quite some overlap with what is in v6 section 4.1 - which 
is good.

What is not in v6 is the the bitrate stuff. It has been argued that this 
is not that relevant in a local use scenario - only when transported 
over a network and therefore should be associated with PeerConnection 

What is meant by "pan/tilt/roll"?


> resolution
> read min,max resolution
> color space (short enumeration list )
> min, max, average bitrate
> auto exposure: off, on shutter priority, on aperture priority, on
> auto focus: off, on, on macro, on close, on far
> exposure time
> frame rate
> focus
> aperture (control of lens iris if not fixed)
> zoom
> pan / tilt  / roll
> read of privacy control (tells you if the camera privacy shade is
> over it or not)
> digital crop, zoom
> auto backlight compensation: off, on
> gain or exposure
> sharpness
> gama
> auto white balance: off, on
> white point, black point
> low delay mode: off , on
> compression quality ( float 0 to 1 ) bad image low bitrate, 1 good
> image high bitrate
> bit depth of luma  and chroma
> flash: yes, no, auto
> read pixel aspect ratio
> copy protection bit (sorry, bad joke but had to include it)
> maxMB/s
> On the topic of camera facing, I prefer to use the SDP content
> registry and extend it to have front, back, left, right, document
> camera etc. then have way to use that as a constraint.
> On the topic of "sourceId" type thing - yes we need a stable device
> name and we need privacy aspects consider. Dan I have some proposal
> on that is basically to take the long term UUID for the device and
> hash it with origin domain or something like that.
> Given that HDR cameras are becoming more common, I suspect that is
> best dealt with by just setting the bit depth of the pixels but
> arguments could be made for other ways to dealing this.
> I've ignored setting needed for 3D / stereo cameras.

Received on Friday, 4 January 2013 07:12:38 UTC