Re: RECAP: Conclusion: Cloning and sharing of MediaStreamTracks - worth it?

On 21 August 2013 06:21, Tommy Widenflycht <> wrote:
> So a user wants to send the audio MST through PC1 (with relay) and the video
> MST through PC2. How does this require a MST to belong to more that one MS?

In order to send A on PC1 and V on PC2, you need to have separate
MediaStream instances, one for each PC.  Maybe you could use the same
MediaStream and synthetically reject certain m-lines from each PC, but
that doesn't help the receiving end.

> And how can there be any expectation that the audio and video are
> synchronized on the receiving side?

This has to be possible.  The two tracks have the same source, with
the same clock, and they should have the same (RTCP) CNAME.
Assembling the two tracks into a single MS at the receiver should
result in the playback being synchronized.

Received on Wednesday, 21 August 2013 16:15:24 UTC