Process for moving forward with selecting output devices


as you're probably well aware of a proposal on APIs for allowing the app 
to find available, and select appropriate, output devices was recently 
submitted to this list [1].

However, selecting output devices is not only relevant for this TF, but 
also for the HTML WG (defining the media element) and the Audio WG. It 
was pointed out that the work should be coordinated and not just be 
carried out in this TF.

After some off-list discussions with the chair's of those WGs (and with 
relevant W3C staff) we have agreed to move the discussion regarding 
defining APIs to find available output devices and how to allocate 
output devices to media elements to the HTML WG.

The Audio WG will be responsible for defining how to allocate output 
devices to the AudioDestinationNode.

In practice it means this work will move to the HTML WG, so it you're 
interested please follow that list. Also note that in the HTML WG the 
process for proposing extensions to the HTML document calls for 
"Extension Specification"s [2] - we expect Justin to create one and 
submit to the HTML WG.

Stefan for the chairs.


Received on Saturday, 17 August 2013 12:41:13 UTC