Schedule for finishing the Media Capture specification

At the moment, the chairs believe we have the following major open items:

- Recording (to be issued as a separate document)
- Changing of constraints
- Immediate result returned from GetUserMedia
- Representation of tracks within a MediaStream (no longer arrays)
- Error handling

Once we have all those wrapped up, we think that we should declare the 
Media Capture spec closed for major modification, and start the 
procedure towards the Last Call for the document set.

We have two meetings on our schedule:
- Next week's telechat
- An early February face-to-face meeting

We can also fit in a January telechat if we need to.

We suggest that we aim for the following:

- Next week: Have proposals on the table for all these issues. Hopefully 
make any major decisions needed.
- December: Get the outcome of those decisions turned into actual draft text
- January: Get together the set of issues, nits and problems we see with 
the proposals
- February: Meet and go over the list of issues, resolving everything 
- Late February: Last Call for the media capture document

After that, standard W3C rules and procedures kick in wrt times and 
resolutions. But we should expect no further major changes after that point.

Seems doable?


Received on Wednesday, 28 November 2012 12:09:46 UTC