Re: recording

On 11/12/2012 08:42 PM, Jim Barnett wrote:
> Here's a summary of what I think we agreed to in Lyon.  If we still 
> agree to it, I will start writing it up.  (Please send comments on any 
> or all of the points below.)
I think I like this. I'd like to see this as a proposal.
> Recording should be implemented by a separate class.  Its constructor 
> will take a MediaStream as an argument  (we can define it to take 
> other types as well, if we choose, but no one is suggesting any at the 
> moment.)
> There are two kinds of recording:
> 1)incremental, in which (smaller) Blobs of data are returned to the 
> application as they are available.
> 2)All-at-once, in which one big Blob of data is made available when 
> recording is finished.
So are these 2 classes that both take a MediaStream as a constructor 
This might be simpler than having one merged class that does both.
> There will be different methods for these types.  To make a 
> distinction, I will call type 1 'capture' and type 2 'recording'  (I 
> tend to think of 'recording' as producing one big file, while 
> 'capture' sounds more incremental).
> To do incremental recording, the app calls startCapture(bufferSize), 
> where bufferSize specifies the number of milliseconds of data it wants 
> to receive in each Blob.  The Blobs are made available in 
>  dataavailable events (with an ondataavailable handler to 
> extract/process the data.)  Capture continues until the MediaStream is 
> ended or the app calls stopCapture.  When this happens it receives  a 
> final dataavailable event, and then a captureDone event (which 
> indicates that no further data will be available.)  While capture is 
> going on, the app can also call getData, which causes the UA to 
> generate a dataavailable event containing all the data that it has 
> gathered since the last dataavailable event.  (The app can use getData 
> to do polling on its own schedule if it doesn't want to rely on a 
> fixed buffer size. It would have to set 'bufferSize' to a very large 
> value in this case.)
This makes sense to me - but is there a race condition possible, where 
the buffer fills up at the very instant that getData is called? It may 
not matter - one always gets a dataavailable event, either with a short 
buffer or a full buffer. As long as it's clear that client must be 
written to handle dataavailable any time, I think it works no matter what.

Is it OK for recording to wait a bit (say, until one has a full frame) 
before returning data after a getData call? Allowing this saves us from 
requiring that the app handle partial data stream constructs.
> To do all-at-once recording, the app calls startRecording, which 
> returns immediately.   The UA accumulates data until the MediaStream 
> is ended or the app calls stopRecording.  At that point a single 
> recordingDone event is generated which contains a Blob with all the 
> accumulated data.
> It is an open question whether an app can make overlapping calls to 
> startCapture and startRecord.  We can define it either way.
If they are methods on different classes, this becomes a non-question.
> There will be methods to read and set the UA's recording options.  
> Details are TBD but at the least the app would be able to choose among 
> the available recording/container formats (if the UA supports more 
> than one.)
I agree with Tim that MIME types (possibly with parameters) seems like 
the place to start.
> There were a couple of issues left open in the discussion.  The first 
> was whether there would be an MTI format.  It seems to me that at the 
> very least we would want to require that the UA be able to play back 
> any format that it can record/capture to.
That makes sense to me too. Should we say "play back via the MediaSource 
API" to be explicit?
>   I think that it would also make sense to require that the UA support 
> a format/container allowing it to record/capture at least 2 
> simultaneous video and 2 audio streams (i.e. both legs of an simple 
> peer-to-peer audio+ video call).   If we can agree on an MTI format 
> that allows this, so much the better (but I don't have one to propose.)
> The second open issue was the definition of errors.  There wasn't any 
> consensus on a set of errors that we should define, and many people 
> seemed to think that different platforms might raise errors under 
> different conditions, depending on their underlying capabilities.  
> Whatever we decide to do, it seems to me that there are two cases that 
> we should distinguish.  Some errors are fatal, in that recording 
> cannot continue (running out of memory would be an example.) In this 
> case, the UA should raise an Error, followed by dataavailable and 
> captureDone (in the capture case) or recordingDone (in the recording 
> case.)  In other cases, recording may be able to continue, though the 
> results may not be what the app is expecting.  The best example of 
> this that came up during discussion was adding a Track while capture 
> was underway.  Platforms may not be able to do this, but could 
> continue capturing the original set of Tracks.  In this case, perhaps 
> the UA should raise a Warning event, indicating "I'm still recording, 
> but it's probably not what you want." It would be up to the App to 
> decide whether to stop capture or let it continue.
Seems to me that Error(recording will end) and Warning(recording will 
not end) seems like a sensible distinction to make available to the 
user. I suggest you write up a starting point for this.
> -Jim

Received on Tuesday, 13 November 2012 11:19:27 UTC