from July 2012 by subject

"add" needs to enforce "kind" limitations

According to the "Media Capture and Streams" Spec

can we generate a stream from local file

Editorial comments on requirements document

getUserMedia error in remote desktop usage scenario

How can we let getUserMedia() do not popup a dialogue or menubar?

MediaStream "ended" event

MediaStream Constructor

MediaStreamTrack behaviuor

Moving getUserMedia to best-effort

new scenario suggestion: aquire media capture without user interaction

terminology (was: updates to requirements document)

updates to requirements document

Which videoTrack should be played in the <Video> element?

答复: How can we let getUserMedia() do not popup a dialogue or menubar?

答复: MediaStreamTrack behaviuor

答复: new scenario suggestion: aquire media capture without user interaction

答复: updates to requirements document

答复: 答复: MediaStreamTrack behaviuor

答复: 答复: new scenario suggestion: aquire media capture without user interaction

Last message date: Monday, 30 July 2012 20:02:25 UTC