Re: new scenario suggestion: aquire media capture without user interaction

On 7/6/2012 1:51 AM, Sunyang (Eric) wrote:
> We should let getUserMedia has a way to tell the UA we do not need user
> permission to capture video, and the UA need to have some configuration
> switch about it.

The UA can always have switches like that, and for dedicated devices 
that's reasonable (as they also usually aren't generic web browsers as 

getUserMedia() cannot accept an "I don't need authorization" from a 
generic JS app.  We have talked about forms of continuing permission, 
but this wouldn't even fall under those.

If the device *is* a generic browser (but kybd-less), then the 
continuing permission scenarios should handle it.

Randell Jesup

Received on Friday, 6 July 2012 06:38:49 UTC