Re: How to check if permission denied?

On 2012-12-05 01:30, Timothy B. Terriberry wrote:
> Martin Thomson wrote:
>> I don't see this as gUM.  Maybe there is an adjunct API that produces
>> a MediaStream from a file.
> We've talked about a captureUntilEnded on the <video> tag before, but
> that requires the application to be written so that it can use it. I
> think the idea behind allowing users to select a video file instead of a
> camera is to let those who don't want to share a camera (or possibly
> don't even have one) use applications that were not otherwise designed
> to work in this scenario. I.e., it's about user-empowerment, not about
> providing a technical feature in the API.

Exactly, that is what this is about.

Received on Wednesday, 5 December 2012 09:04:01 UTC