Re: [mediacapture-record] Creation of Seekable Files

@SingingTree thanks for moving this discussion to an issue. Like I 
said before, we have given a bit of thought to this internally with 
the libwebm folks and we thought about a different approach because:
- there are tools for doing this now (albeit in C/C++) for libwebm,
- `MediaRecorder` is a live recorder, modifying it to also, sometimes,
 be non-live, would dilute the API,

but **most important**, cues-reconstruction would be muxer-specific: I
 don't see a straightforward way to generalize this to any muxer and 
hence to add it to the Spec.  @jan-ivar, @pehrsons wdyt?

The alternative solution in the libwebm case is a simple polyfill (in 
the spirit of polyfill-first) calling 
 this polyfill will create a new encoded `Blob` with the `Cues` and 
duration reconstructed.  The JS could be done using e.g. Emscriptem.  
I wanted to get this done but haven't really found time TBH. 

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Received on Thursday, 2 March 2017 00:49:00 UTC