[mediacapture-image] Pull Request: Use constrainable pattern for ImageCapture (#124)

miguelao has just submitted a new pull request for 

== Use constrainable pattern for ImageCapture (#124) ==
First draft of using 
 for ImageCapture capabilities and settings management.

This PR:
- Adds an `Extensions` section, where 
`MediaTrackSupportedConstraints`, `MediaTrackCapabilities`, 
`MediaTrackConstraintSet` and `MediaTrackSettings` dictionaries are 
extended to include our set of capabilities/settings. 
- The previous partial dictionaries are also explained in relation to 
a new 'Constrainable properties' section (since these dictionaries 
always refer to the same set of constraints/settings, it's easier to 
define them all together).
- moves `getPhotoCapabilities()`, `setOptions()`, `PhotoCapabilities` 
and `PhotoSettings` to a legacy non-normative section, for the time 

A rendering of the contents of this PR can be found in 

See https://github.com/w3c/mediacapture-image/pull/146

Received on Saturday, 21 January 2017 01:12:00 UTC