Re: [mediacapture-main] gUM firing repeatedly for the same page load

As a developer, Chrome's permissions are easy to deal with; arguably 
they're overly permissive.  But Firefox's permissions are *extremely* 
hard to work with, for the following reasons:

1.  A user could reject the second request (most likely accidentally),
 which means every time user swaps mic/camera, the page has to be 
ready to get rejected for permissions reasons
2. A user could deny access to mic/camera, when the page had been 
using both.
3. Currently in WebRTC, it's hard to change mic/camera without 
renegotiating the connection.  During an actual call, showing the gUM 
prompt means a user could suddenly be absent for seconds or more while
 they answer the dialog.
4. Confusing user experience; the dialog shows in response to camera 
or mic selection in-page, and suddenly they're being given yet 
another, second redundant response.

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Received on Monday, 11 January 2016 17:51:55 UTC