Thanks Thierry. I'll have a quiet look over the week-end.

Best regards,

From: Thierry MICHEL []
Sent: 22 March 2013 18:05
To: Evain, Jean-Pierre
Cc:; 'Joakim Söderberg'; 'Pierre-Antoine Champin';

Jean Pierre,

I had to deal with the errata a bit differently ...

I have modified the former errata E01 and E02
I have added the errata E0- and E07

Therefore, I have changed your email errata proposal for E01 and E02 to
start the correction from the version *from the spec* (not from the
former errata page) to your latest proposal.

Therefore I have published a temporary errata page at

details of my updates in line, following.

If you are OK with these errata proposal, I will update the errata page
next week  (with the temporary one)

and will publish the two new files at


On 22/03/2013 09:47, Evain, Jean-Pierre wrote:
> Dear all,
> Please find attached the new errata items addressing the changes made to the rdf/owl and derived ttl files
> Please let me know if I missed something.
> Best regards,
> Jean-Pierre
> @@@@@@@@@@@
> 1/ E0XXX: Correction in the RDF/OWL representation of the Media Ontology in section 7.3
> Description:
> In the RDF/OWL representation of the Media Ontology, the property ma:collectionName is declared to be a subproperty
> of rdfs:label. This declaration is being removed to avoid problems of incompatibilities.
> Resolution:
> <owl:DatatypeProperty rdf:ID="collectionName">
> <rdfs:domain rdf:resource="#Collection"/>
> <rdfs:comment>The name by which a collection (e.g. series) is known.</rdfs:comment>
> <rdfs:subPropertyOf rdf:resource=""/>
> </owl:DatatypeProperty>
> Changed to :
> <owl:DatatypeProperty rdf:ID="collectionName">
> <rdfs:domain rdf:resource="#Collection"/>
> <rdfs:comment>The name by which a collection (e.g. series) is known.</rdfs:comment>
> </owl:DatatypeProperty>
> The updated RDF/OWL representation is available at

So my understanding is that we had introduced a wrong line:

I have changed your errata proposal to start the correction from the
version from the spec to your latest version.

see spec version

see new errata

Let me know if this is good.

> 2/ E0XXX: Correction in the TTL representation of the Media Ontology in section 8
> Description:
> In the RDF/OWL representation of the Media Ontology, the property ma:collectionName is declared to be a subproperty
> of rdfs:label. This declaration is being removed to avoid problems of incompatibilities.
> Resolution:
> :collectionName a owl:DatatypeProperty;
> rdfs:comment "The name by which a collection (e.g. series) is known.";
> rdfs:domain :Collection;
> rdfs:subPropertyOf rdfs:label .
> Changed to :
> :collectionName a owl:DatatypeProperty, owl:Thing;
> rdfs:comment "The name by which a collection (e.g. series) is known.";
> rdfs:domain :Collection .
> The updated derived TTL representation is available at

So my understanding is that we had introduced a wrong line in the former
rdfs:subPropertyOf rdfs:label

see former errata

I have changed your errata proposal to start the correction from the
version from the spec to your latest version.

see spec version

see new errata

Let me know if this is good.

> 3/ EOXXX: Correction in the RDF/OWL representation of the Media Ontology in section 7.3
> Description:
> In the RDF/OWL representation of the Media Ontology, the import reference to Dublin Core is broken.
> Resolution:
> <owl:imports rdf:resource=""/>
> Changed to :
> <owl:imports rdf:resource=""/>
> The updated RDF/OWL representation is available at

I have added this new errata.
see new errata

> 4/ EOXXX: Correction in the TTL representation of the Media Ontology in section 8
> Description:
> In the RDF/OWL representation of the Media Ontology, the import reference to Dublin Core is broken.
> Resolution:
> owl:imports dc:;
> Changed to :
> owl:imports <>;
> The updated derived TTL representation is available at

I have added this new errata.
see new errata

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Evain, Jean-Pierre []
> Sent: vendredi, 22. mars 2013 09:02
> To: 'Thierry MICHEL'
> Cc: 'Joakim Soderberg';
> Subject: RE: MAWG - update RDF
> One new errata will actually concern EO1 and will removed the subproperty declaration to rdfs:label in bothe the rdf and the derived ttl
> Another new errata will be the correction of the import reference to dc.rdf.
> Jean-Pierre
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Thierry MICHEL []
> Sent: vendredi, 22. mars 2013 08:30
> To: Evain, Jean-Pierre
> Cc: 'Joakim Soderberg';
> Subject: Re: MAWG - update RDF
> And one more thing,
> The already existing errata at
> are also in the new files ?
> (I havn't check).
> Thierry
> On 22/03/2013 07:30, Evain, Jean-Pierre wrote:
>> Dear Michel,
>> thanks for the instructions. We'll follow your recommendations.
>> I hope the group will agree as the file is otherwsie not validating in particular because of a non persistent refernece from Dublin Core. But I would of course provide you with the detailed information needed for the errata.
>> I guess we'll need to organise a MAWG call soon.
>> Best regards,
>> jean-Pierre
>> ________________________________________
>> From: Thierry MICHEL []
>> Sent: 21 March 2013 20:44
>> To: Evain, Jean-Pierre
>> Cc: 'Joakim Soderberg';
>> Subject: Re: MAWG - update RDF
>> Jean Pierre,
>> We have those two files included (nested)  in the Ontology for Media
>> Resources 1.0 Recommendation
>> and also published at
>> If I update these two files there, then there will be a deferent
>> version in the Recommendation.
>> The only way to solve this is to update these two files at
>> and publish an errata with these changes at
>> Therefore I need
>> 1- to have the Group to approve these changes.
>> 2- Know the exact changes to update the errata page.
>> Is this OK ?
>> Thierry
>> On 21/03/2013 17:13, Evain, Jean-Pierre wrote:
>>> Me too and I insist that these are corrections and not changes.
>>> Best, JP
>>> From: Joakim Soderberg []
>>> Sent: jeudi, 21. mars 2013 16:40
>>> To: Evain, Jean-Pierre
>>> Cc:
>>> Subject: Re: MAWG - update RDF
>>> I hope it gets accepted. Thierry, will this have to be published as a separate version?
>>> On Thu, Mar 21, 2013 at 7:23 AM, Evain, Jean-Pierre <<>> wrote:
>>> Dear all,
>>> A group of MAWG members are making a submission to an RFT from ISO/JPEG proposing to adopt our ma-ont ontology.
>>> This submission contains links to the rdf and ttl files accessible from:
>>> A couple of corrections have proved to be required with no impact on the ontology structure:
>>> 1/ surprisingly the reference to DublinCore in RDF (e.g. used for
>>> comments) was broken and had to be replaced 2/ the collectionName property used to be declared as a subclass of rdfs:label but this generates problems. Therefore collectionName is now just a dataProperty like for title, description, etc.
>>> 3/ we have added a comment saying that the rdf an ttl files take precedence over the specification, which contains a copy of the rdf file (and we think that the corrections made do not justify going through a revision of the specification itself).
>>> This work has been carried out in collaboration with Pierre-Antoine Champin (who also generated the ttl file) and Tobias Buerger.
>>> The corrected files are attached and we have asked Thierry Michel to upload these new versions in place of the existing ones.
>>> We hope that this is agreeable to all members of the MAWG.
>>> Best regards,
>>> Jean-Pierre
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