Re: review Proposed Recommendation version of the API for Media Resources 1.0

Hi Thierry, 

Werner was so kind to send me the current version as PDF. I focused mainly on the WebIDL things. At first, i performed an online check [1] to be sure that our code is syntactically correct. I investigated further in the comment about handleEvent and Callback functions. In section 3.2 of the current WebIDL spec [2] a "warning"-note says the following:

Specification authors should not define callback interfaces that have only a single operation, unless required to describe the requirements of existing APIs. Instead, a callback function should used.

The definition of EventListener as a callback interface is an example of an existing API that needs to allow user objects with a given property (in this case “handleEvent”) to be considered to implement the interface. For new APIs, and those for which there are no compatibility concerns, using a callback function will allow only a Function object (in the ECMAScript language binding).

This is exactly the case for the three interfaces "PropertyCallback",  "MetadataCallback" and "ErrorCallback". Our interfaces do not need further (optional) inputs that would require a callback interface in the sense of WebIDL. Further, an EventHandler or -Listener is not needed in this place. The examples in the section 3.2 [3] justify this. Maybe the  abstract naming of the methods in handleEvent led to misinterpretations and caused the correlation with events.


Dipl. Inf. Florian Stegmaier
Chair of Distributed Information Systems
University of Passau
Innstr. 43
94032 Passau

Room 248 ITZ

Tel.: +49 851 509 3063
Fax: +49 851 509 3062

Am 02.07.2013 um 08:56 schrieb Florian Stegmaier <>:

> Hi Thierry,
> i just wanted to go through it, but i cannot view it due to privacy restrictions :(
> Cheers.
> _____________________________
> Dipl. Inf. Florian Stegmaier
> Chair of Distributed Information Systems
> University of Passau
> Innstr. 43
> 94032 Passau
> Room 248 ITZ
> Tel.: +49 851 509 3063
> Fax: +49 851 509 3062
> _____________________________
> Am 26.06.2013 um 10:26 schrieb Thierry MICHEL <>:
>> All,
>> Here is the Proposed Recommendation version of the
>> API for Media Resources 1.0
>> Please review carefully this document.
>> This will be the last review before going to final Recommendation.
>> Thanks for you help.
>> Best,
>> Thierry

Received on Tuesday, 2 July 2013 09:49:16 UTC